Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: Main stories in today's Sydney newspapers = 3

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Main stories in today's Sydney newspapers = 3


Page 1: The Liberal Party powerbrokers who backed Brendan Nelson over Malcolm Turnbull
in last year's federal leadership tussle are switching their allegiances. The collapse
of stockbroker Lift Capital, the second such company to go under this month, has led to
calls for a review of Australia's financial regulatory system.

Page 2: Prime Minister John Howard has called for coal giants Australia and China to
do more to address climate change.

Page 3: A hair transplant company is being investigated over claims it was abusing
the Medicare safety net, with allegations it told patients accommodation and domestic
flights would be covered by the scheme.

World: Satellite photographs have discovered a secret Iranian ballistic missiles site
capable of launching an attack on Europe (London).

Finance: Slowing demand and higher fuel prices are starting to affect the Australian
airline industry, with Virgin Blue predicting a halving of its profits this year.

Sport: Tiger Wood's even par 72 has kept him in the running for a fifth win at the
US Open in Augusta.

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