Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fed: Fmr NSW Supreme Ct judge rues lack of woman on High Court

Fed: Fmr NSW Supreme Ct judge rues lack of woman on High Court

Former New South Wales Supreme Court chief justice Sir LAURENCE STREET says it's unfortunatea woman's no longer represented on the High Court.

Attorney-General DARYL WILLIAMS last night announced the appointment of Justice JOHNDYSON HEYDON -- a former Dean of Law at Sydney University -- to the High Court.

The 59-year-old judge will replace Justice MARY GAUDRON, whose resignation takes effecton February 10.

Justice HEYDON reportedly narrowly beat Brisbane-based Federal Court judge SUSAN KIEFELto the position.

Sir LAURENCE's told ABC radio it's undoubtedly an issue that a woman's no longer onthe High Court.

But he says the principle of selecting the most suitable for a position -- regardlessof gender -- is a principle embraced throughout the community.

Mr WILLIAMS has said Justice HEYDON's the best person for the job.

AAP RTV so/smb/jmt


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