Friday, March 2, 2012

SA: Main stories in today's Adelaide Advertiser

AAP General News (Australia)
SA: Main stories in today's Adelaide Advertiser

ADELAIDE, April 13 AAP - The main stories in today's Adelaide Advertiser:

Page 1: Stranded canoeists refuse police help as they trek across Lake Eyre.

Page 2: Bureaucratic bottleneck blamed for holding up new laws banning smoking in hotels
and clubs by 2007.

Page 3: Andrea Leek rides Boxter Blue to victory in the Great Eastern Steeplechase at Oakbank.

World: George W Bush plays down terror revelations (New York).

Finance: Major retailers warn of spending downturn. Asian markets charge ahead as the
west takes a break over Easter.

Sport: Matthew Primus to miss the rest of the AFL season with a knee injury. Phil Mickelson
wins the US Masters golf (Augusta, Georgia). Boxter Blue wins the Great Eastern Steeplechase
at Oakbank.

AAP tjd/cjh


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