Sunday, March 4, 2012

UBS Warburg grabs top spot in year-end 2001 RMBS league tables.

After a comparatively feeble showing in the previous year, UBS Warburg is the emerging winner in 2001 RMBS league tables.

UBS is first place in the year-end RMBS manager activity rankings for both agency and non-agency MBS, according to final results from Thomson Financial. The bank's lead comes at a time when industry totals shot up to $523.9 billion from $136.7 billion in 2000.

UBS - which made a huge leap from its No. 6 position for the 2000 rankings - sold $85.6 billion in 2001, grabbing the top slot with a 16.4% market share. This is compared to its 2000 showing, when the firm boasted only $9.89 billion in proceeds and a 7.2% market share.


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